Why should I get my pet desexed?
- Desexing prevents unwanted litters, which can be very costly, and may add to the already overwhelming number of stray animals in our pounds
- Prevention of testicular cancer and reduce the risk of prostate cancer in males
- Prevent pyometra (infection of the uterus) and reduce the risk of mammary tumours (breast cancer) in females
- Stop the ‘heat’ cycle in females
- Decrease aggression towards humans and other animals, especially in males
- Being less prone to wander, especially in males
- Reduced council registration fee

Common questions about desexing
Some things to consider prior to surgery
- Should my pet have a pre-anaesthetic blood test? This can detect problems that our examination can’t such as liver and kidney disease. It is particularly important in older animals. For young animals, there is much less risk, but it is still a worthwhile precaution. If in doubt, ask us for advice.
- Is there anything else that can be done at the same time? This can be an ideal time to catch up on things such as nail clipping or microchipping. All of these can be done whilst your pet is asleep and blissfully unaware!
What to do before and after surgery
Before surgery:
- Make a booking for your pets desexing operation.
- If you pet is a dog, wash them the day before surgery as they are unable to be washed after until the stitches are removed.
- Do not give your pet food after 8pm the night before surgery and do not give them any water after 7am on the day of surgery.
- The vet will perform a thorough physical examination before starting the surgery. If there are any concerns they will call you, so make sure you leave you best contact phone number with us on the day of surgery.
After Surgery:
- Keep your pet restrained and quiet as the effects of anaesthetic can take some time to wear off completely. Keeping them quiet is also essential to allow the wound to heal.
- Food and water should be limited to small portions only on the night after surgery.
- Ensure your pet’s rest area is clean to avoid infection.
- Check the incision at least twice daily for any signs of infection or disruption (eg. bleeding, swelling, redness or discharge). Contact the vet immediately if these symptoms appear. Do not wait to see if they will spontaneously resolve.
- Prevent your pet from licking or chewing the wound. Special cone-shaped collars assist with this problem. A single chew can remove the careful stitching with disastrous effects.
- Ensure you return to us on time for removal of stitches.
If you have any concerns before or after your pet has been desexed, please call us immediately to discuss.
What does it cost?
The price of having your pet desexed depends on its species, sex and size. Males (especially cats) are cheaper than females. For females, the procedure is similar for cats and dogs, but the difficulty and the time taken varies with the animal’s size – so does the cost. It also costs slightly more if she is pregnant or in-season during the time of the surgery.
Want a quote? If we know your pet’s weight, we can tell you how much it will cost. The cost includes the examination, anaesthesia, pain relief, surgery, hospitalisation, elizabethan collar, and suture removal. It does not include the blood tests, intravenous fluids or other optional things mentioned earlier. Remember that the cost of desexing is partly offset by the discount applied to registration fees.
To book your pet in for desexing give us a call 02 6372 6780.